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My Services

All sessions provided virtually through Zoom.
Individual Coaching - 'Finding Me' Signature Coaching Program

Have you lost yourself?  Are you struggling with your identity inside and outside of your relationships?  I want to help you develop a strong personal identity apart from your relationship so that you are feeling fulfilled in life and can bring that richness into your relationships, making them more dynamic and vibrant.

Couples Coaching - 'Conscious Reconnecting' Program

Are you an empty nester couple struggling to reconnect as you realize your relationship is now becoming a priority?  Do you have unresolved issues and don't want to divorce?  Do you want more in your relationship?  I help couples reconnect, recreate and rebirth the relationships of their dreams with a new energy, purpose and vibrancy.  Let's start here with connecting beyond our differences and learning how to care for each other in relationship.

Couples Coaching - Deepening Our Connection  

After we've learned how to care for each other in relationship, lets move on to creating the relationship of our dreams. Deepening into the care and understanding we have of each other and finding our purpose and shared values as a couple.  Moving us into a secure foundation and having a rippling effect on our children and those we serve.

My Approach

I practice Present Centered Relationship Coaching learned from the Relationship School®.  Their teaching is around couples standing for three, improving communication through the conflict-repair cycle and helping couples clarify their purpose together.


I study work from The Couples Institute® and their developmental model.  As a couple where are you on this model and what skills do you need to learn and practice to develop yourselves as a couple?


I bring into my practice my work as a facilitator with Safe Conversations®.  This is a tool for communication with the understanding of how the brain works to keep couples connecting beyond differences.


I also bring in my experience as an empty nester couple on the verge of divorce able to make our relationship a priority and reconnect, recreate and rebirth the relationship of our dreams.

My Approach


I'm always willing to help you create the relationship and life of your dreams! Let's connect.

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